1,2,3 April 2016 @Malaysia: Falling In Love With Forrest Yoga by Sin Hee (Forrest Yoga Guardian)

Forrest Yoga Sin Hee @Malaysia 2016

Take action to the next step for leaps and bound of practice with Sin Hee, Forrest Yoga Guardian. Based on Sin Hee’ many years of Forrest Yoga teaching experience, you will learn to go deeper and stronger in practice using breath. Her specialties include an amazing knowledge of finding habitual tensions in the body and learning to open up those areas with breath and explore deeper in a pose. Forrest Yoga teaches you to feel sensations in the body in a pose and working on freeing up pain, physical and chronic discomfort. This gives tremendous amount of freedom and teaches us the choice is how we practice and how we live our life! Experience FALLING IN LOVE WITH PRACTICE all over again by choosing to free up from old patterns.


  • Title: Falling In Love with Forrest Yoga Workshop @Malaysia by Sin Hee
  • Date: 1st, 2nd & 3rd April 2016 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
  • Time: 9:00am to 4:00pm
  • Venue: ISPIRIT ASIA @ONE SOUTH, One South Street Mall, Taman Serdang Perdana, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia (View Map)
  • Organizer: www.iSpirit.asia
  • Co-organizer: AIM Yoga
  • Presenter: Forrest Yoga
  • Inquiries email: iSpirit.asia@gmail.com
  • Inquires contact: +6011 1184 4184 (call only) or +6012 3037022 (call and whatsapp) or +6017 2376688 (call and whatsapp)
  • Online Registration: www.iSpirit.asia/events
  • [button link=”http://www.ispirit.asia/form-forrest-yoga-sinhee2016/” color=”orange” text-input-id=”Clear”]Register NOW[/button]


  • Event Category: Yoga Workshop
  • Language: English
  • Presenter: SinHee Ye-McCabe (Forrest Yoga Guardian)
  • Duration: 3 days
  • Level: Suitable for all levels of Yoga students or teachers
  • Field: Forrest Yoga
  • Certification: Students will receive official certificate of attendance from iSpirit Asia upon completion of the sessions.

Day-1: 1st April 2016 (Friday)
Leaps and bound (Inversion class)

9:00am to 11:30am
This fun packed inversion class is designed learn basic skills for building foundations for inversions like Forearm Balance, Handstand and Gravity surfing. Forrest Yoga method of using core muscle for piking up and jumping up to inversions. You will learn how to strengthen shoulder girdle muscles for stabilization so you can stay up in inversions longer for surfing through gravity.

1:00pm to 4:00pm
Learning functional alignment of up side down balancing. Practice routines for building strength and stability for core, Serratus Anterior and shoulder girdle muscles. Hands on assisting clinic for inversions.

[button link=”http://www.ispirit.asia/form-forrest-yoga-sinhee2016/” color=”orange” text-input-id=”Clear”]Register NOW[/button]

Day-2: 2nd April 2016 (Saturday)
Rocking Shoulders and Hips (Hips and Arm Balances)

9:00am to 11:30am
Discover how to open shoulders and hips in a healthy way by learning proper alignment of bones and engaging muscles around them. You will learn connecting Serratus Anterior to Chest and Arm for upper body stabilizing. Hips and legs connection is foundation for supporting the spine (Root energy). Forrest Yoga is famous for practicing poses in a healing way and a safe way. This will bring vitality to shoulders and hips for much healthier connection. You will love gaining power in your practice.

1:00pm to 4:00pm
This will be a tutorial session of learning Forrest Yoga Hands on assists. You will learn Forrest Yoga skill of opening shoulders and hips in poses. Learn to touch people with clear energy. Forrest Yoga hands on assisting skill is all about guiding an each practitioner learn to respect their own rate of release instead of pushing or forcing in a pose. We will learn how to use inner line body energy helps to guide practitioners to deepen in a pose.

[button link=”http://www.ispirit.asia/form-forrest-yoga-sinhee2016/” color=”orange” text-input-id=”Clear”]Register NOW[/button]

Day-3: 3rd April 2016 (Sunday)
Falling in Love with Back Bend (Back bend class)

9:00am to 11:30am
This class is guided to focus on Forrest Yoga method of creating space in the spine and decompress lower back in back bend poses. We will also learn how to engage back muscles to open Chest, Diaphragm and abdominal muscles easily in a deep back bend poses. Learning to practice this way will deliver fresh blood and oxygen to the spine and realign the whole back muscles to vitalize the spine. Practice back bends without pain will teach you to stay in feeling for creating space in and around the heart. Experiencing this deep release will make you fall in love with back bends.

1:00pm to 4:00pm
Tutorial session of learning Forrest Yoga Hands on assists in therapeutic back bend poses. Especially with those with lower back pain and disc problem in back bend poses will be addressed. Learning to use tools and modifications for those with neck, wrist, shoulders and lower back how to engage in deep back bend poses like Wheel and Viparita Dandasana.

[button link=”http://www.ispirit.asia/form-forrest-yoga-sinhee2016/” color=”orange” text-input-id=”Clear”]Register NOW[/button]

[box]FEES & PAYMENT[/box]

WORKSHOP FEE: 3 days Workshop Fee

  • MYR 1,500 Regular Price
  • MYR 1,200 Early Bird (ends 15 February 2016)


  • Bank Transfer to Malaysia Hong Leong Bank Account: 24300006463 ISPIRIT ASIA
  • Cash Payment to organizer representative: Contact +6011 11844184
  • Pay with Paypal* to account ispirit.asia@gmail.com
  • Pay with credit card*
  • *3% online payment service charge will be applied for payment by credit card or Paypal

[box]THE PRESENTER[/box]

sinheeklworkshop2016Sinhee Ye-McCabe
Forrest Yoga Guardian

About Sinhee:
Sin Hee Ye-McCabe, Sin Hee has been actively working as Forrest Yoga Guardian teacher since 2007 to present. Her teaching and mission has been evolving through changes in life and mending the hoop of people. Realizing daily life of survival gets all of us in repeating pattern and sometimes we get numbs from feeling the truth of reality. Burden of stressful situations don’t go away from running away or ignoring them. Teaching and reminding students and herself having intent, love and healing is on going progress in life. Year 2013, she is expanding her teaching in Asia in Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai and is planning on teaching in England for the first time and at the 2nd annual Wind Horse Conference in US. As Forrest Yoga Guardian teacher it is excited to experience the growth of Forrest Yoga in the world. Sin Hee has insightful knowledge of Anatomy and Bodywork. Sin Hee offers vast knowledge in healing injuries from repetitive motions from yoga practice and daily life. She is currently teaching in South Korea and expanding her teaching around the world. Wallk in beauty!

Sinhee Forrest Yoga activities


Sinhee forrest yoga testimonial


All interested participants are required to register online by completing the above details to reserve a space for the workshop. Ensure your email is correct and can receive emails from iSpirit.asia@gmail.com. All workshop communication and confirmations will be sent to this email.

[button link=”http://www.ispirit.asia/form-forrest-yoga-sinhee2016/” color=”orange” text-input-id=”Clear”]Register NOW[/button]

Falling In Love With Forrest Yoga Workshop in Malaysia poster V5

Forrest Yoga Workshop Malaysia by SinHee

Forrest Yoga with Sin Hee @Malaysia


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