2024.07.14 | Malaysia Singing Bowl Self-Healing & Meditation Workshop | Lucius K. 【頌缽自我療癒與靜心】一日精華工作坊

Discover the captivating world of singing bowls! Join Teacher Lucius K. in an exploration of their serene sounds and therapeutic potential on July 14, 2024, at Komune Living & Wellness Malaysia, brought to you by iSpirit Asia. Learn how to create peaceful vibrations, select the perfect bowl for you, and uncover their benefits for the body, mind, and soul. Experience the transformative power of ‘Singing Bowl Basics, Sound Healing, and Meditation’ in this enlightening workshop. This workshop will be conducted in Chinese.

讓頌缽成為開啟內在的一把鑰匙!於2024年7月14日,在馬來西亞Komune Living & Wellness,iSpirit Asia將主辦一場引領您踏入頌缽之道的特別工作坊。讓我們與Lucius K.老師攜手,探索頌缽的奧妙之處。在此修行中,您將啟發心靈,學習創造平靜的振動,選擇最適合自己的頌缽,並發現它們對身心靈的滋潤。請莫錯失這場心靈之旅,與我們一同體驗「頌缽基礎、聲音療癒和靜心冥想」的力量。

Continue reading “2024.07.14 | Malaysia Singing Bowl Self-Healing & Meditation Workshop | Lucius K. 【頌缽自我療癒與靜心】一日精華工作坊”

2024.08.24 | Yoga Workshop for Breast Cancer Recovery by Michelle Lam (In-Person & Live-Online)

Join us for a transformative 6-hour workshop to explore how yoga can positively impact breast cancer recovery. Whether you’re a survivor, yoga teacher, caregiver, or health enthusiast, this workshop provides valuable insights and practical tools. Let’s come together to promote holistic well-being and support those affected by breast cancer.

Guided by the expert, Michelle Lam, this event will take place at Komune Living & Wellness Malaysia on August 24, 2024, from 10am to 5pm. Choose to participate in-person or live-online.

Continue reading “2024.08.24 | Yoga Workshop for Breast Cancer Recovery by Michelle Lam (In-Person & Live-Online)”

2024.04.07 | Malaysia | Inner Tranquility【內在謐境】靜心基礎入門課程

Are you looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the world and find peace and harmony in your body and mind? We sincerely invite you to join the “Inner Tranquility” foundational meditation course presented by two experienced teachers, Aster and Lucius K., from Taiwan. The course will take place on April 7, 2024 (Sunday) at Komune Living & Wellness in Malaysia. This is a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in inner tranquility through a combination of active and passive meditation sessions, allowing you to listen to the primal sound of life and enrich your spiritual journey. This course will be conducted in Chinese

您是否想要逃離繁囂的世界,尋找身心的平靜與和諧?我們誠摯地邀請您參加【內在謐境】靜心基礎入門課程,由來自台灣的兩位資深老師 AsterLucius K. 精心呈獻。課程將於2024年4月7日(星期日)在馬來西亞的 Komune Living & Wellness 舉行。這將是一個難得的機會,讓您透過一動一靜的靜心課程,走入內在謐境,聆聽生命初始之音,豐富您的身心靈旅程。本课程将以中文进行


課程一:1:00pm to 2:30pm: 歌舞靜心【歌舞覺醒靜心】身心流動工作坊 by Aster


課程二:3:00pm to 4:30pm: 頌缽靜心【頌缽恩典祝福】 聲音療癒工作坊 by Lucius K.



Lucius K.老師與團隊,創造出安心、舒適並富有獨特心靈美學的神聖空間中,參與者將被頌缽充滿靜心質量的聲音海洋所環繞,通過整合式的深度冥想引導,將幫助你深入探索內在自我,認出當下生命的真實。輔以能量上的平衡引導,重新喚醒並連結內在智慧的旅程。





  1. 舒適的服裝:請穿著舒適、寬鬆的衣服,以方便您在課程中進行動態和靜態的練習。
  2. 水壺:請攜帶足夠的水份,以保持您在課程中的水分補充。
  3. 瑜伽墊或坐墊:為了您的舒適和支持,建議您攜帶瑜伽墊或坐墊。
  4. 筆記本和筆:如果您希望記錄您的感受和心得,請準備一本筆記本和筆。
  5. 開放的心態:最重要的是,請帶著開放、接納和好奇的心態來參加課程,準備好迎接身心靈的轉化和深層體驗。


🧘‍♂️ 活動地點

  • Komune Living & Wellness, Malaysia. No. 21, Jalan Tasik Permaisuri 2, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Click here to view location map
  • Nestled next to a lush 99-acre park in Cheras and strategically located in Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Komune Living & Wellness is easily accessible via major highways. Find out more
Komune Living & Wellness, Malaysia



來自台灣,曾為「無垢舞蹈劇場」舞者,隨團環遊世界演出,並持有台北藝術大學表演碩士學位。擁有10年以上劇場身心訓練經驗和10多年靜心實修。以獨特的「動態冥想」風格著稱,將冥想融入專業訓練。引領人們透過「由動入修」體驗動態中的冥想。以真摯、溫暖的方式結合儀式歌舞和現代音樂,使參與者在舞動中感受美與自由,唱頌中體驗愛與喜悅。10年以上的教學經驗,近年在亞洲多地舉辦「ASTER歌舞覺醒靜心」系列課程。作為「謐音 · 境」創辦人之一,透過音樂和歌舞分享身體和聲音的智慧,讓人真切感受生命中的愛與力量。總的來說,ASTER致力於帶領身心覺察,開發身心中的愛與智慧。

Lucius K.

他來自台灣【謐音.境】工作室(Tranquil Sound Space),擁有十多年豐富教學經歷,及多元師資團隊與獨特心靈美學, 【謐音.境】是亞洲首屈一指的療癒團隊之一。他於充滿古老力量的土地靈魂 -「不丹」,經歷一場內在深度的覺醒、轉化與蛻變。他曾與台東大學、國立自然科學博物館、法鼓山、馥蘭朵集團、台北藝術大學、北京中央音樂院認證導師謝淑文、台灣瑜珈第一品牌SPACE YOGA、上海Y+等合作。10多年來舉辦個人頌鉢療癒到工作坊、閉關僻靜、【寧靜的慈悲】頌缽療癒師資、心靈音樂會等系列巡迴課程,學生遍及台灣、大陸、香港、馬來西亞、新加坡等亞洲各大華語地區。他以細緻、溫柔如水晶般透亮的方式帶領人們,結合空間美感、聲音療癒與冥想靜心,發展出一套獨特的療癒藝術心靈美學,至今已分享數百場,影響超過千人的獨特頌缽團體聲音療癒。現為【謐音‧境】工作室創辦人之一。


定價為每堂課MYR 150,若購買兩堂課或以上,則每堂課可享MYR 135的優惠價。此優惠同樣適用於團體購買,讓您能夠和朋友一同享受。


請按“Add to Cart”選擇您想參加的課程,然後調整所需的購票數量。您可以與朋友一同購買並參加,只要您的購票數量達到兩張或以上,您將立即享有折扣。接著,點擊“Proceed to Checkout”,填寫個人資料並選擇付款方式,最後點擊“Place Order”,即完成訂單。您將在24小時內收到確認報名的電子郵件。


Bank Name: Hong Leong Bank Berhad
Account Name: ISPIRIT ASIA
Account Number: 24300006463


  • 不退款,允許转让。


  • 自行负责住宿與膳食
  • 活动参与者可以优惠码 “CORO” 获得Komune Living & Wellness 住宿优惠价。网上预订 cheras.komuneliving.com
  • 酒店内提供多种美食选择,包括素食、本地美食、中餐、西餐等,价格合理,详情请参考以下链接: https://cheras.komuneliving.com/dining

🧘‍♂️ 活動詳情


  • 主题:【內在謐境】靜心基礎入門課程
  • 日期:2024年04月07日
  • 時間:1:00pm to 4:30pm
  • 導師:Aster, Lucius K.
  • 語言:中文
  • 地點: Komune Living & Wellness, Malaysia. No. 21, Jalan Tasik Permaisuri 2, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • 位置:https://maps.app.goo.gl/YR6BL7YF1S2dxLJC7
  • 課室:Community Living Hall (Level-3A)
  • 報到:請用酒店升降機到 3A 樓 Community Living Hall,請至少提前15分鐘報到。
  • 自備:舒適的服裝、瑜伽墊或坐墊、水壺、筆記本和筆、開放的心態
  • 膳食:自行負責膳食
  • 住宿:自行負責住宿
  • 泊車:室內泊車費RM6每次進入,或戶外公園免費泊車 Permaisure Lake Garden Parking  https://maps.app.goo.gl/6FfpsXFBgxKZvMMMA
  • 主辦:謐音•境 Tranquil Sound Space
  • 聯辦:www.ispirit.asia
  • 詢問:+6011-1184 4184

2024.02.27~03.01 | Yin Yoga TTC in Malaysia | 30小時正念陰瑜伽師資培訓課程(解剖與理論模組)by Chris Su

Whether you aspire to become a Yin Yoga instructor or seek a deeper understanding of personal physical and spiritual transformation, Chris Su’s 30-hour Mindfulness Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course is an invaluable opportunity you won’t want to miss. Embark on this yoga journey now, let the wisdom of Yin Yoga enrich your life, and join us in unveiling the marvelous adventure of mind-body-spirit exploration together! This course will be conducted in Chinese


Continue reading “2024.02.27~03.01 | Yin Yoga TTC in Malaysia | 30小時正念陰瑜伽師資培訓課程(解剖與理論模組)by Chris Su”

2023.03.31 | Yoga Workshop for Post Covid Recovery by Michelle Lam (In-Person & Live-Online)

What do you know about Covid? While this word is so well known across the world, very few people really know what it means, even if you have been infected before, you don’t even know what happened! 

Come join us for a 4-hour yoga workshop led by experienced physiotherapist and yoga trainer Michelle Lam at Sunway Lagoon Club Malaysia. In this 4-hour workshop, we are going to explore this deadly virus, the fastest growing pandemic that kills millions of lives within 3 years. As a yoga teacher or yoga practitioner, how can we help your students or yourself recover from COVID-19.

You can choose to participate in this workshop either in-person or live-online.

Continue reading “2023.03.31 | Yoga Workshop for Post Covid Recovery by Michelle Lam (In-Person & Live-Online)”