ABOUT R2 ThoHuiLee
creative . energetic . harmony
(founder of www.ispirit.asia / co-founder of Yogavatar New Age Yoga School)
R2 Tho Hui Lee is the founder of www.ispirit.asia and the co-founder of YOGAVATAR® New Age Yoga School. R2 started the journey of spreading love of Yoga and Fitness by teaching classes at her home country Malaysia since 2006. She is a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance at E-RYT500 advanced level where her certification from Thailand and India. She is a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider YACEP. She is also a certified Group Fitness Instructor of various programs from Lesmills International, and a Reiki Healer at Master Degree level from India. Her passion in teaching has spread to Malaysia, Thailand, India and Maldives. Apart from the passion of teaching, R2 founded www.ispirit.asia in 2011. iSpirit is a new age Yoga & Fitness organization that promotes healthy lifestyle by organizing Yoga & Fitness activities to the communities such as retreats, workshops, trainings, community give back events and share the authentic colour of love for Yoga & Fitness to inspire people to live their most extraordinary life. Where there is existence of iSpirit there is love. R2’s creative mind, energetic body and harmony spirit radiate through her life in all aspects. As a teacher, a designer or a practitioner, she doesn’t differentiate between teaching, sharing and learning. She believes in the energy of passion, when passion meets passion, it makes the best medicine.
R2 ThoHuiLee原名杜慧莉,www.ispirit.asia的创始人, Yogavatar®新时代瑜伽达人学院的联合创办人。她教学健身及传播瑜伽爱心的旅程始于2006年于她的的祖国马来西亚。 R2是一名瑜伽联盟E-RYT500以及YACEP高级认证的注册资深瑜伽教师,她多度远赴泰国和印度接受瑜伽师训课程,她也在印度修学灵气自然疗法课程而成为灵气治疗师。除此之外,她也是一名Lesmills国际认证的健身教师 。 R2热衷于教学,她的热诚除了散播于马来西亚以外,它也已经蔓延至泰国、印度和马尔代夫。 除了教学, 在2011年R2建立www.ispirit.asia。ISPIRIT是一个新的时代瑜伽和健身组织,其宗旨是促进健康的生活方式。通过主办瑜伽和健身活动,如社区的务虚会、讲习班、培训班、社区回馈活动,以激励人们活出多姿多采的健康生活。 在哪有ISPIRIT的存在,那里就有爱。从R2生的活各个方面,不难发现她充满创意的思维,充满活力的身体以及和谐的精神。作为一名健身与瑜伽教练,专业设计师或一名终生学者,她从不分教学与学习之间的区别。她认为做自己兴趣的事是最幸福的事。
The roots of Hatha Yoga
Feel GROUNDED and SECURE: The Earth Element (Prithvi) in the body refers to our connection with the earth, the place where the raw elements for our bodies came from. We may bring more “earth” awareness into our yoga practice when we focus on grounding, building a firm base of support, connecting with the earth beneath us. Many times in our lives we become too “lofty” in our thoughts and need to come down to Earth to feel grounded and secure. In balancing postures, for instance, our stability is facilitated through deepening our connection with the Earth. Sometimes the Earth also refers to the Planet that we call home…exploring our connection with our Planet and the beauty and wonders that it holds… which we are all responsible to preserve. The Earth element is represented in the 1st/Root Chakra of the body. This style of yoga is suitable for beginners. Encourage proper alignment of the body and bring balance, strength, and calmness to the practitioner.
360 Vinyasa Flow
DYNAMIC and FLUID practice of yoga poses and movement following your breath: The Water Element (Apah, Jala) in the body refers to the water that flows through our veins, or the circulatory system in the body. Health is only possible as the water element remains flowing in the body. While in our yoga postures (asanas) we may need to consciously increase the flow of blood into a particular area of the body. Sometimes the practice also takes on a flowing action, with one movement fluidly moving into the next. Water has almost magical properties and is essential to life (our bodies are 70% water), with incredible healing and cleansing powers. It is a universal symbol for the soul and is the element representing the 2nd/Sacral Chakra, the area where new life is generated. 360 Flow is a dynamic and fluid practice of yoga poses and movement following your breath. Ethereal, pulsing music infuses the practice to ignite joyful and energetic movement. It is an invitation to feel the depth of stillness in motion. Good for moving stagnant energy and revitalising body & mind!! The session begins with a 360-degree Salutation and is followed by more dynamic movements. The practice completes with deep stretching postures, relaxing and savasana.
Core Strength & Balance
STRENGTH is the focus and BALANCE is the key: The Fire Element (Agni) in the body refers to the internal warmth and heat that is generated in certain postures, especially standing postures, and provides the energy and “will” to go on even when we want to quit. It is the source of light and creates and destroys, symbolizing the soul in many beliefs. In our yoga practice, fire is of particular focus in standing postures and in our vinyasa flows, or in any posture where we wish to generate heat, power and resolve. Sometimes your hand (or your mental focus) may need to be placed in specific areas on your body to generate heat in those areas (i.e. your sacrum). It is the element representing the 3rd/Solar Plexus Chakra…the brain for our body. In this session you will have a dynamic blend of yoga movements that increases core strength, balance, and flexibility, while being easy on the mind and the joints. This practice provides an incredible mind/body experience that will focus on your core and completely transform your body! Strength is the FOCUS and Balance is the KEY. Transform your body and exhilarate your mind at the same time. From beginner to advanced, each class is designed for most levels. Plus, there are modifications that allow you to keep going when things get tough. Activate your body and stimulate your muscles!
The Chi of Pranayama
Yogic BREATHING and CONCENTRATION: The Air Element (Vayu) in the body refers to both the breath and creating space in the body. The breath is the basis of all yoga, since without breath; yoga (or life, for that matter) does not exist. Air is what carries the vital energy or “prana” (“chi” in Chinese philosophy) throughout the body and the universe. It is the essence of all life and can be focused on in yoga practice by literally bringing space or air into specific areas of the body in the postures (such as increasing the spaces between the vertebrae of the spine…lengthening). Pranayama, or breath control, sometimes means prolonging or restraining breath, but always requires a mindful awareness and all-encompassing focus on the breath. To practice breathing techniques is to initiate changes in the psychological, physical, neural and cerebral areas, increasing memory and creativity. It will strengthen your willpower and steady your mind. Air is the element representing the 4th/Heart Chakra. This session introduces students to yogic breathing and concentration exercises that lead to meditative states of higher consciousness. Preparatory asana, chanting, healing sounds or music may be used to instil focus and clear the mind. Regular practice purifies and energises the body, eventually leading to experiences of profound relaxation, peace and vitality.
Yoga Basics: A foundation yoga class, focus on developing clear and safe alignment in foundational poses as well as muscular strengthening and breathing technique. This class is designed for students who want to increase their knowledge of the fundamental poses and alignment in yoga. This class is suitable for everybody.
Class Focus: 70% Alignment / 10% Movement / 10% Strength / 10% Energy
Sunrise Flow: Start your day with an energizing flow designed to wake you up and get you moving. Gently wake up your body and build heat leaving you open and alert to take on your day! The experience in this class is one of fluidity and motion. Poses are generally held for short periods of time and emphasis on the rhythm of the breath is encouraged with the purpose of aligning and focusing the mind. This class is suitable for everybody.
Class Focus: 10% Alignment / 40% Movement / 10% Strength / 40% Energy
New Age Flow: A dynamic yoga practice, focus on the breath while moving through a series of postures. The sequence of postures may be different from class to class, but always follow an intelligent progression that moves from basic to complex. This style of yoga builds heat, flexibility and strength, while maintaining focus on good alignment and sound structure. Postures may be held for longer periods of time, and will flow together to unite the body to the breath and mind. This class is suitable for everybody.
Class Focus: 10% Alignment / 70% Movement / 10% Strength / 10% Energy
Fit Core: This class is designed to wake up and bring life to the core! Abdominal postures and breathing techniques are incorporated into the class to building the core strength that inevitably follows, and finding calmness in postures that can enhance the exercises. This class is suitable for anyone seeking to tone up and build core strength.
Class Focus: 10% Alignment / 10% Movement / 70% Strength / 10% Energy
Zenergy: The ZEN energy. This class introduces students to yogic breathing and concentration exercises that lead to a Zen states of higher consciousness. Healing sounds or music may be used to stay focus and clear the mind. Regular practice purifies and energises the body, eventually leading to experiences of profound relaxation, peace and vitality. This class is suitable for anyone seeking to calm their minds and revitalise their bodies.
Class Focus: 10% Alignment / 10% Movement / 10% Strength / 70% Energy
Relax & Restore: A deeply relaxing healing practice focused on stimulating the parasympathetic system with the purpose of calming the body and the mind. In this class, props such as belts, bolsters, blocks, chairs and blankets are used with the purpose of supporting the body while exerting minimal physical effort in the poses. This class is suitable for anyone seeking to alleviate the strains of a busy and stressful lifestyle.
Class Focus: 50% Alignment / 0% Movement / 0% Strength / 50% Energy
360 FLOW 360 Flow is a dynamic and fluid practice of yoga poses and movement following your breath. Ethereal, pulsing music infuses the practice to ignite joyful and energetic movement. It is an invitation to feel the depth of stillness in motion. Good for moving stagnant energy and revitalising body & mind!! The class begins with a 360-degree Salutation and is followed by more dynamic movements. The practice completes with deep stretching postures, relaxing and savasana. R2 will spend time at the beginning of class to introduce alternatives to some of the more challenging poses as well as offer user-friendly vinyasa options. There will be time at the end of the flow to enjoy a soothing, deep relaxation. 360畅流与呼吸调息堂是将串连瑜伽姿势,呼吸,冥想以及正念思维以流畅性完整练习。结合轻飘飘动听的音乐点燃练习者的喜悦及能量流动。一起来探索在活跃的动作里感受深层的沉静。此堂课的特点是360度旋转,东南西北各个方向都存在其含义。课堂将会以温和流动开始,接着强而有力的串连动作,最后将以深拉伸姿势,呼吸法和放松作为结束。
HATHA YOGA This traditional form of yoga combines physical exercise and mental discipline, with the goal of integrating and invigorating both body and mind. It has been shown that Hatha Yoga reduces stress, improve balance and flexibility, increase strength and reduce the risk of injury in daily life. It can reduce heart rate and blood pressure, and can help manage chronic diseases. Its psychological benefits can assist in weight loss by helping you to control appetite. 這是一種傳統的瑜伽動作,適用於任何級別的課堂,對身體、呼吸及心靈均有正面的幫助。歡迎任何程度的學員參加。
VINYASA Combines power and flexibility with movement, bandhas and breath to produce an energetic and detoxifying practice. 這種瑜伽主要是將身體移動時的力量和柔韌度結合起來,再透過彎身及呼吸訓練,以完成一組充滿活力和有助排毒的練習。
PRANAYAMA This class introduces students to yogic breathing and concentration exercises that lead to meditative states of higher consciousness. Preparatory asana, chanting, healing sounds or music may be used to instil focus and clear the mind. Regular practice purifies and energises the body, eventually leading to experiences of profound relaxation, peace and vitality. 課堂會介紹瑜伽呼吸法及專注力練習,務求達到更高覺知的冥想境界。課堂可能透過頌唱、療癒聲音以及音樂來幫助集中精神及消除雜念。持之以恆的練習能淨化身體並注入活力,最終達至深層放鬆、安寧及精力充沛的狀態。
Yoga Alliance E-RYT500 / YACEP/ Reiki Master Degree / Lesmills BodyPump / Lesmills BodyStep / Lesmills BodyVive / Lesmills BodyCombat / Lesmills RPM / Drums Alive
- 1 Pax Private Lesson RM 250 per hour
- 2 Pax Private Lesson RM 300 per hour
- 3 Pax Group Lesson RM 350 per hour
- 4 Pax Group Lesson RM 400 per hour
- 5 Pax and above Lesson RM450 per hour
R2 Tho Hui Lee started the journey of spreading love of Yoga and Fitness by teaching classes at her home country Malaysia since 2006.She is a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance at E-RYT500 advanced level where her certification from Thailand and India. She is a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider YACEP. She is also a certified Group Fitness Instructor of various programs from Lesmills International and a Reiki Healer at Master Degree level from India.
She teaches yoga classes such as Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Vikasa Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Detox Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Pranayama and Meditation. She also conducts energetic group fitness classes such as Body Step, Body Pump, Body Vive, Body Combat, RPM, Bootcamp, Drums Alive and Core-Exercise. Her passion in teaching has spread to Malaysia, Thailand, India and Maldives.
R2 Tho Hui Lee is naturally born with a Creative Mind, Energetic Body and Harmony Spirit. By combining the spiritual yoga practice and energetic fitness workout, her teaching has inspired many of her practitioners working toward a complete well balance lifestyle. Her classes are a fluid mix of creative sequences, inspirational music and meaningful insight; in her class you will have the opportunity to heal your heart, smile, sweat and shine.
Apart from her teaching passion, she also gives community services such as organizing free Yoga and Fitness activities at the park~ Sunshine Workout; organise Yoga and Fitness workshops, trainings and wellness events; a creative designer for Yoga and Fitness campaign; volunteer as a photographer for Yoga and Fitness events; R2’s brilliance can be seen through her website at www.ispirit.asia which spreads her passion and love for Yoga and Fitness to inspire world health and long living for all living beings.
cR2eative . eneR2getic . haR2mony
1976, R2 Tho Hui Lee was born and raised in a small village with scenic landscapes and surrounded with ecological nature in Malaysia. She has an incredible childhood where she had opportunities to enrich nature curiosity in orchards, rubber plantation, miner field, streams whether under warm sun or shining stars. These have sphere and fuelled her into CREATIVE MIND, ENERGETIC BODY & HARMONY SPIRIT. Her love for art, photography, sports, music and everything that is beautiful fabricates into energy; which she believes passion is energy. Vigorous activities keep her focus and builds burst of inspiration that she shares with people.
The CR2EATIVE mind
In 1998, R2 Tho Hui Lee contributed her CREATIVE MIND to an international music company as a Creative Designer. She also profoundly manages music concerts and commercial events innovatively with a team to procure success expected. Two years later she formed her own advertising company- Two Creative Communication and also established her own designer brand “R2 Collections” which was welled received.
2006, R2 Tho made a decision that immensely changed her life style by joining an international fitness company as a Personal Fitness Trainer. Thanks to her ENERGETIC BODY she has garnered certification and taught LesMills International Group Fitness programs- BodyStep, BodyPump, BodyVive, BodyCombat and RPM. She views her teaching as “platform of dynamism” and has inspired a great number of participants and turning them into instructors. She is also certified for programs Drums Alive, Body Sculpt and Bootcamp. She continues to teach all the programs at her home country Malaysia. Her highest record of teaching in a day was 6 classes with high intensity cardiovascular exercise. She has also served as a Fitness Club Manager of a fitness centre.
The HAR2MONY spirit
2012, R2 Tho was inspired by a yoga-enthusiastic and she embraced Yoga eccentrically and made a noteworthy decision by completing her Yoga Teacher Training Foundation Course in Thailand and Advanced Course in India. She began to discover her HARMONY SPIRIT in her yoga practices & teachings on Hatha Yoga Asana, Pranayama and Meditation. By combining the spiritual yoga practice and energetic fitness workout, her teaching has inspired many of her practitioners working toward a complete well balance lifestyle. Her classes are a fluid mix of creative sequences, inspirational music and meaningful insight, in her class you will have the opportunity to heal your heart, smile, sweat and shine. R2 Tho has always found inspiration from nature and she co-founded www.ispirit.asia, where she actively organizes Fitness and Yoga activities in nature. R2 Tho states “Nature reminds us of the universal law of change, this is easily forgotten when we practice in studio”. R2 Tho delivers her philosophy to her student to “Live Happy and Stay Healthy for a Beautiful Life”
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/R2ThoHuiLee/
- email: r2tho@yahoo.com
- Whatsapp: +60123037022