2024 | Glow with iRyne Yogavatar | 75-minute Online Yoga Class | Yoga for all

Illuminate your Mondays with Yoga Glow, guided by the luminous iRyne Yogavatar, every week at 6:30 PM on Zoom. This 75-minute yoga session is designed to stretch, strengthen, and bring steadiness to your body and mind. Perfect for all skill levels, Yoga Glow offers a supportive space to enhance your practice and well-being. The class is free of charge, but you are welcome to support us with a contribution of your choice. Embrace the glow and join us for a transformative journey! Suitable for all levels, beginners are welcome.

  • Day: Every Monday
  • Time: 6:30PM to 7:45PM
  • Instructor: iRyne Yogavatar
  • Where: Zoom Online
  • Objective: To inspire people to live a vibrant and healthy lifestyle through the practice of yoga.


  • The class is free of charge, but you are welcome to support us with a contribution of your choice. Your generosity helps us continue offering yoga and promoting a healthy lifestyle to more people.
  • Support us by scanning the QR code and making a payment to ISPIRIT ASIA via DuitNow or TNG. You can also bank-in to our bank account Hong Leong Bank 24300006463. Contributions can be made anytime, before or after the class.


  1. Click to register.
  2. Select the dates you wish to attend.
  3. Receive an email with your Zoom link.
  4. Join the class and enjoy the experience.


Yogavatar®️ Glow is an invigorating yoga practice designed to stretch and strengthen your body while cultivating a calm and steady mind. Experience a dynamic flow of movements that range from slow, deep holds to graceful, water-like sequences. With deep, quality breathing, you’ll enhance your energy flow and leave the class feeling rejuvenated and radiant. Open to all levels, this class invites you to explore, learn, and grow together in a supportive community.



iRyne Yogavatar is a visionary yogini and the co-founder of Yogavatar® New Age Yoga School and iSpirit Asia. As an E-RYT500 and a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education provider, she leads Yoga Teacher Training courses. iRyne is also a certified Yoga Therapist recognized by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia.

With a deep-seated passion for health and wellness, iRyne has dedicated herself to yoga since 2004. She has explored various styles of alignment-based and heart-centered yoga, earning a reputation for her innovative and intelligent sequencing. Her signature styles, ‘Yogavatar® Glow’ and ‘Yogavatar® Zen,’ combine precise alignment techniques with a mindful body-mind connection.

Committed to making yoga accessible worldwide, iRyne has created, produced, and co-directed the Yogavatar® online streaming video series, offering a range of practices suitable for all levels at www.ispirit.asia. In addition to her yoga expertise, she is a certified Group Fitness Instructor for BOSU and TRX and has been featured in Yoga Awareness magazine.

iRyne welcomes students of all levels to awaken their inherent potential for joy, vitality, and fulfillment, bringing a peaceful and transformative yoga energy into their lives both on and off the mat.


We strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and able to participate in the exercise. Understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. By engaging in this exercise, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge us from any claims or causes of action.

2024.11.25~12.20 | Yoga Teacher Training in Malaysia | 4-week full-time | in-person & online

Become a Certified Yoga Teacher

Discover the transformative power of yoga with Yogavatar® 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course. Available in both a 4-week full-time intensive program and a convenient 10-weekend format, our course is designed to accommodate your schedule and learning preferences. Choose from three flexible attendance options: immerse yourself in the in-person experience, join live sessions online via Zoom, or catch up with replay recorded videos at your convenience. Whether you’re looking to deepen your practice or embark on a journey to become a certified yoga instructor, our training course provides the knowledge, guidance, and flexibility you need to succeed. Join us and unlock your true potential with Yogavatar New Age Yoga.

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2024.09.07~11.10 | Yoga Teacher Training in Malaysia | 10-weekend | in-person & online

Become a Certified Yoga Teacher

Discover the transformative power of yoga with Yogavatar® 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course. Available in both a 4-week full-time intensive program and a convenient 10-weekend format, our course is designed to accommodate your schedule and learning preferences. Choose from three flexible attendance options: immerse yourself in the in-person experience, join live sessions online via Zoom, or catch up with replay recorded videos at your convenience. Whether you’re looking to deepen your practice or embark on a journey to become a certified yoga instructor, our training course provides the knowledge, guidance, and flexibility you need to succeed. Join us and unlock your true potential with Yogavatar New Age Yoga.

Continue reading “2024.09.07~11.10 | Yoga Teacher Training in Malaysia | 10-weekend | in-person & online”

2024.07.14 | Malaysia Singing Bowl Self-Healing & Meditation Workshop | Lucius K. 【頌缽自我療癒與靜心】一日精華工作坊

Discover the captivating world of singing bowls! Join Teacher Lucius K. in an exploration of their serene sounds and therapeutic potential on July 14, 2024, at Komune Living & Wellness Malaysia, brought to you by iSpirit Asia. Learn how to create peaceful vibrations, select the perfect bowl for you, and uncover their benefits for the body, mind, and soul. Experience the transformative power of ‘Singing Bowl Basics, Sound Healing, and Meditation’ in this enlightening workshop. This workshop will be conducted in Chinese.

讓頌缽成為開啟內在的一把鑰匙!於2024年7月14日,在馬來西亞Komune Living & Wellness,iSpirit Asia將主辦一場引領您踏入頌缽之道的特別工作坊。讓我們與Lucius K.老師攜手,探索頌缽的奧妙之處。在此修行中,您將啟發心靈,學習創造平靜的振動,選擇最適合自己的頌缽,並發現它們對身心靈的滋潤。請莫錯失這場心靈之旅,與我們一同體驗「頌缽基礎、聲音療癒和靜心冥想」的力量。

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2024.08.24 | Yoga Workshop for Breast Cancer Recovery by Michelle Lam (In-Person & Live-Online)

Join us for a transformative 6-hour workshop to explore how yoga can positively impact breast cancer recovery. Whether you’re a survivor, yoga teacher, caregiver, or health enthusiast, this workshop provides valuable insights and practical tools. Let’s come together to promote holistic well-being and support those affected by breast cancer.

Guided by the expert, Michelle Lam, this event will take place at Komune Living & Wellness Malaysia on August 24, 2024, from 10am to 5pm. Choose to participate in-person or live-online.

Continue reading “2024.08.24 | Yoga Workshop for Breast Cancer Recovery by Michelle Lam (In-Person & Live-Online)”