23~27 November 2015: Explore The Yoga Boundaries Yoga Philosophy Workshop with Yogi Amitram @Malaysia

A Workshop Yoga Philosophy

We are delighted to welcome Yogi Amitram first time to Malaysia for a highly informative Yoga Philosophy Workshop. Join us five consecutive days to explore the knowledge and the theory behind yoga, through discussion and practice. Yogi Amitram has a great depth of knowledge and understanding on the subject of yoga philosophy and together with his charming personality, makes this class a must for those looking to further their understanding of the subject.


  • Title: Explore The Yoga Boundaries with Yogi Amitram
  • Date: 23 to 27 November 2015 (Monday to Friday)
  • Time: 9:30am to 2:30pm
  • Venue: Celebrity Fitness Lot 10, L8 (Roof Top) Lot 10 Shopping Center, 50 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
  • Inquiries email: ispirit.asia@gmail.com
  • Inquires contact: +6011 1184 4184 (call) or +6012 3037022 (whatsapp)
  • Online Registration: iSpirit.asia/events
  • [button link=”http://www.ispirit.asia/form-explore-the-boundaries-2015/” color=”orange” text-input-id=”Clear”]Register NOW[/button]


  • Event Category: Yoga Philosophy Workshop
  • Language: English
  • Presenter: Yogi Amitram (Founder of Rishikesh Yogashram,India)
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Level: Open to all yogis and non-yogi.
  • Field: Yoga Philosophy
  • Certification: Participants will receive an official certificate of attendance from Yogavatar New Age Yoga upon completion of the sessions.


  • Yoga History – The path of yoga from birth until today.
  • Yoga Philosophy – Study of ancient texts including the Bhagavad Gita and Patanjalís Yoga Sutras.
  • Yoga Lifestyle – Diet, lifestyle choices and creating the life you want.
  • Sanskrit Pronunciation and Mantra Chanting
  • Hatha Yoga and Yoga Subtle Anatomy
  • Kundalini and Chakras
  • Koshas and Mudras
  • Prana and Pranayama
  • The theory and practice of meditation


Yogi Amitram is the founder and director of Rishikesh Yogashram (Trust) located in Rishikesh, Uttarankhand, India. He is establishing his eco-friendly ashram on the Hill Top of Manikoot mountain on the edge of Rajaji national park overlooking Rishikesh town and Ganga River. While he is managing his ashram’s construction, he lives in Bharat Sadhu Samaj Yoga Ashram looking after the regular activities of the ashram. He has been raised in a traditional Indian Brahman family in Varanasi where his grandfather, Yogi Ramswaroop (Guruji), was his first Yoga Master who sowed the seed of yogic lifestyle in his soil of consciousness in his childhood. During his university education he post graduated in Information Management and continued his studies to deepen his knowledge about yoga, attending teacher trainings and workshops at Bihar School of Yoga, Anand Prakash Ashram, Tripura Yoga Ashram, Patanjali Yogpeeth and Sivananda Ashram. He managed to study and practice several styles and traditions of yoga as Patanjali Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, classical Kundalini Yoga and Kriya Yoga, sharing his experiences with many other seekers. In 2010 he also realized a CD distributed worldwide on Yoga Nidra and Guided So-ham Meditation. He is regularly visiting North America to share his wisdom with his friends and students. His present vision is to offer the Ashram he is building as a sacred place for spiritual seekers to practice yoga meditation and ayurveda in an eco environment ideal for inner contemplation and self-understanding. Website: www.rishikeshyogaashram.org

[box]WORKSHOP FEE[/box]

  • MYR1000 for 5 days Workshop


  • Bank-in Cash or Transfer to Malaysia Hong Leong Bank Account 06100112445 (I FITNESS SOLUTION)
  • Cash Payment to organizer representative: Contact +6011 11844184


[button link=”http://www.ispirit.asia/form-explore-the-boundaries-2015/” color=”orange” text-input-id=”Clear”]Register NOW[/button]

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