2018.05.07-11 | 正念陰瑜伽師資培訓課程 30小時經絡模組 Mindfulness Yin Yoga TT Meridians Series in Malaysia | Chris Su
Chris Su 老师将于2018年5月7日至11日,在马来西亚吉隆坡 ISPIRIT ASIA,为您带来30小時的師資培訓課程。這次的30小時正念陰瑜伽師資培訓課程-經絡模組,是美國瑜伽聯盟(Yoga Alliance) 的30小時累計時數的課程更進一步的延伸。包含了具有中醫經絡美學,陰瑜伽變化式及許多清楚,精確且易於運用在個人練習於課堂教學上的理論與體式順序原則。此外,也包含了帶領混合程度班級的教學技巧。
- 主办Organizer: www.iSpirit.asia
- 教练Training Provider: Yin Mindfulness Immersion
- 支持Support: Yogavatar New Age Yoga
- 询问Inquiries email: iSpirit.asia@gmail.com
- 询问Inquires contact: +6011 1184 4184 (call only) or +6012 3037022 (call and whatsapp)
- [button link=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/30-mindfulness-yin-yoga-tt-meridians-series-by-chris-su-tickets-42933485210#tickets” text-input-id=”Clear” window=”yes”]报名 REGISTER NOW[/button]
- 主题Title: 正念陰瑜伽師資培訓課程 30小時經絡模組 By Chris Su (Yin Mindfulness 30-hour Yoga Teacher Training)
- 日期Date: 7/5~11/5/2018
- 时间Time: 9am ~ 4:30pm
- 地点Venue: ISPIRIT ASIA (ONE SOUTH): B-5-12, One South Street Mall, Taman Serdang Perdana, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia (View Map)
- 类别Event Category: 瑜伽師資培訓課程 Teacher Training Course
- 语言Language: 中文 Chinese (*此師資培訓課程將以中文教學為主)
- 教练Facilitators: Chris Su
- 时长Duration: 30 hours
- 阶级Level: 所有阶级 all levels
- 领域Field: 阴瑜伽 Yin Yoga
- 证书Certification: 学员将会获得证书。Students will receive official certificate of attendance from iSpirit Asia upon completion of the sessions.
這個單元是Yoga Alliance全美所認證的自選累計時數單元,或是完整4次的培訓以獲取RYT-200基礎培訓的其一單元 *需要符合條規以呈交個人作業。
- 陰瑜珈系列體位及理論
- -陰陽二元性概論
- -陰瑜伽變化體位式練習與實踐 (以經絡系列編排課程為主)
- -探討經絡系列動作如何影響內臟及身體的能量
- -了解經絡系列體位法排序及應用
- 中醫經絡
- -基礎中醫經絡與五行理論
- -經絡與陰瑜珈系列體位排序的影響
- -經絡與對應臟器和情緒之間關係
- -瞭解經絡和情緒的互動,脏腑的系統,經絡的路徑與經絡排毒的時鐘
- 傳統潔淨法
- -Jala Neti 洗鼻法
- 瑜伽調息法
- -聖光呼吸法 kapalbhati
- -經絡清理呼吸法 nadi sodhana
- -太陽式呼吸法 surya bedhana
- -蜂式呼吸法 bahmari
- -清涼呼吸法 sitali/sitkali
- 筋脈(Fascia) 放鬆法
- -筋脈的理論
- -學習如何透過解讀不同的筋脈結構
- 正念禪修與佛家哲學
- -正念基礎理論與呼吸法
- -禪修內觀與靜坐練習
- -練習如何將正念品質融入體位式
- 5月7日:8am至7:30pm
- 5月8日:8am至11am
- 5月9日:無課程(大選日)
- 5月10日:8am至7:30pm
- 5月11日:8am至4:30pm
- 每天午休90分钟
Chris Su是一位全美瑜伽聯盟所認證的全球500小時高級陰瑜伽培訓導師。他不但是馬來西亞首位推廣正念陰瑜伽的導師,同時也創立了正念陰瑜伽培訓機構,目前旅行在亞洲各國推廣正念陰瑜伽師資培訓課程,密集工作坊和慈善課程等。他目前正在創作有關正念陰瑜伽和冥想與如何將禪修融入生活中的系列作品
Chris Su畢業於印度哈達瑜伽大學,後期也追隨Sarah Powers, Josh Summers和Sebastian Pucelle進修陰瑜伽與人體解剖學。令他感觸最深的是Sarah Powers導師,她帶領chris Su更深入去練習及將身,心,靈與呼吸產生連接。體會到陰瑜珈不只是在當下體位法的練習,更是發掘內心自我的修練。
Chris Su持有”reiki”靈氣治療師的高級學位及研修中醫經絡系統.在宗教上, Chris Su持有佛學研究的學位及跟隨心審法師學習禪修, 冥想與靜坐。將正念陰瑜珈融合禪修, 在放鬆的喜悅中得到身心靈的療癒。
Chris Su is a Certified Yoga Trainer by Yoga Alliance. He graduated from Yoga Vidya Gurukul University of Hatha Yoga in India. Chris Su recently co-founded the Yin Mindfulness Immersion, a mindfulness-based strategy firm and he co-wrote The Yin Mindfulness Yoga & Meditation, Strategies for Enlightened Living.
As his interest in Vipassana or Insight Meditation has developed, so too has his interest in more contemplative forms of yoga practice. With a professional background in Chinese Medicine and personal passion for the dharma, Chris Su fell in love with Yin Yoga as a beautiful synthesis of these two interests.
Chris Su studied Yin Yoga with Sarah Powers, Josh Summers and Sebastian Pucelle, His primary meditation teacher is Master Shin Shen.
Chris’s yoga and mindfulness meditation courses emphasise safety, the cultivation of moment-to-moment awareness and the potential for freedom in the here and now.
- 原價 Regular Price: MYR3,500
- 折扣Discount: MYR500 (before 7/4/2018之前)
- 促销代码Promo Code: iLoveYoga
- 培训开始前30天内不予退款或退款。不可退还但可转让。
- 所有退款都将收取10%的手续费,将从您的退款中扣除。
- No refund or credit will be given for cancellation within 30 days before the start of the training. Non-refundable but transferable.
- All refunds are subject to a 10% processing fee that will be deducted from your refund.
參與者必須自行安排住宿。 主辦單位可協助回答有關住宿安排的查詢,但不會就所提建議負責,等等。請學生作出適當的查詢,然後就此作出決定。Participants have to make their own accommodation arrangements. The organizer may assist with answering queries relating to accommodation arrangements but does not take responsibility for suggestions given, etc. Students are requested to make appropriate enquiries and then take decisions in this regard.
住宿資料 This is the accommodation list http://www.ispirit.asia/accommodation/
METHOD 1: Pay with Bank Transfer
选择一: 银行付款方式
- You can register by sending an email with a subject “Yin Mindfulness 30-hour TTC” to ispirit.asia@gmail.com. In the email please provide us your Full Name, Contact Number, and Email Address.
- Bank in the fee to Hong Leong Bank 24300006463 ISPIRIT ASIA
- After that, please email the proof of bank transaction, we will send you a training ticket after we have receiving the payment.
- 请用电邮报名,标题请写上“Yin Mindfulness 30-hour TTC”, 内容请写上您的英文姓名,联络号码,电邮信箱,然后传电邮至ispirit.asia@gmail.com
- 进账到银行户口 Hong Leong Bank 24300006463 ISPIRIT ASIA
- 然后把银行转账收条传给我们。我们收到之后会尽快把票传给您。
METHOD 2: Register & Pay Online Now
选择二: 现在马上报名及在网上付款方式
- Register, Pay and get the ticket immediately. (Please note that there will be extra fee charged by Eventbrite)
- 可以马上报名,马上付款,也马上收到票根。(请注意,Eventbrite 将收取额外费用)
- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/30-mindfulness-yin-yoga-tt-meridians-series-by-chris-su-tickets-42933485210#tickets