Showing 31-40 of 45 results

2017.08.23~28 @Malaysia: 身心靈~全方位的療癒與轉化: 50小時國際正念陰瑜伽師資培訓課程(初級) By Chris Su

Chris Su 老师将于2017年8月22至27日,在马来西亚吉隆坡 ISPIRIT ASIA,为您带来50小時的師資培訓課程。此课程主要是希望成为導師的朋友們,或是為希望了解自己,開始個人身心轉化及靈修的朋友們所設計的。正念陰瑜伽師資培訓練習将引導我們找到適合的訓練,同時,採用具功能性的教導及練習方法。只有這樣,練習者才可以找到個人合适的方法。这个培訓课程能成为你当陰導師的一塊基石,更能让您透過正念陰瑜伽練習与冥想去多瞭解自己,學習如何當一個能真心分享、因材施教的好導師。

2017.03.10-12 @Malaysia: Learn & Experience With Amy Ippoliti

Join International yoga teacher trainer, Amy Ippoliti for a teacher training focusing on 3 Aspects of Great Teaching: Therapeutics, Hands on Assists and Sequencing. Learn & Experience With Amy Ippoliti on 10,11,12 March 2017 at iSpirit Asia Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The workshops are suitable for all levels of yoga practitioner and yoga teachers. Modifications will be offered for a variety of levels.

2017.07.07~09 @Malaysia: Universal Yoga 22-Hour Immersion With Will Lau

Join Universal Yoga 22-Hour Immersion With Will Lau on 9,10,11 February 2017 at iSpirit Asia Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Universal Yoga is the most complete yoga practice system that is available to the contemporary yoga world through the intelligent work of yoga Master Andrey Lappa. This 22-hr workshop will consist of universal yoga practice, theorem lectures and yoga sutra studies. The workshops are suitable for all levels of yoga practitioner, modifications will be offered for a variety of levels.

2017.02.24~27 @Malaysia: Yoga Anatomy Workshop HAPPY ASANA SERIES With Michelle Lam

The Happy Asana Series is the brand new Happy Yoga Anatomy workshop focusing on 4 types of asana commonly encountering difficulties in mastering; namely Twist, Inversion, Back Bends and Balancing Poses. Brought to you by registered physiotherapist and Yoga Anatomy teacher Michelle Lam, we shall investigate into each types of asana from the anatomical point of view. You will feel closely what correctly performed poses do for the body with each of the asana types we cover each day. The ways of going into the poses safely and efficiently will be introduced. Common injuries experienced in each types of asana will also be covered and modifications discussed.

2016.11.13~12.18 Harmony Taiji Beginner Course 和谐太极初级课程 @Malaysia马来西亚

和谐太极初级课程,将于十一月份于iSpirit开课,为期六个星期。陈氏和谐太极十三式 ,是由陈氏太极拳嫡宗第十二代传人-陈炳老师所创编。陈炳老师在其家传拳法-陈氏太极拳老架一路的基础上,经过多年教学经验,顺应现代社会需求,创编了这套简单,易学,科学的入门课程套路,为学员在日后学习陈氏太极拳打好基础。 Join us for Harmony Taiji 6 Weeks Beginner Course in November at iSpirit Asia Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. CHEN TAIJI HARMONY 13 FORM was created by Master Chen Bing-12 Generations direct decedent of Chen Family Taiji Quan. Accumulating years of teaching experience, Master Chen Bing createsCHEN TAIJI HARMONY 13 FORM base on traditional Chen Family Taiji Quan Lao Jia Yilu (old frame 1st route) to suites modern society as a foundation to entering door way of Traditional Chen Taiji Quan. This course is suitable for everybody.