Showing 251-259 of 259 results

2014.07.18-20 | Aloha Mind Body Soul Detox Retreat in Malaysia 身心灵排毒换食营

想使平时无所节制的生活正常化,以修养身心吗?想减肥或增肥?想拥有亮丽肌肤吗?你是经常熬夜,面对压力,生活忙碌,渴望有休息时间者吗?患有慢性疾病者,如头痛、失眠、心脏病、高血压、糖尿病、气喘病、肝病、肾病、胃肠病,患有酸性体质,经常疲倦,肩颈或腰背酸痛者,欢迎参加这项三天两夜能让你改变一生的断食营。This event will be delivered in Chinese Mandarin. Translation will not be provided.

2014.05.20&21 @Malaysia; Vikasa Yoga Workshop with Konstantin Miachin

iSpirit and mYoga Malaysia are offering a great deal that rarely happen and we trust that you will not want to miss this opportunity to deepen your yoga practice with Konstantin Miachin ~the creator of VIKASA YOGA a unique and challenging yoga style in May 2014. Kosta will be delivering workshops in Kuala Lumpur on “Vikasa Balance” which is aimed to intermediate to advance practitioners. Or join “Vikasa Complete Practice” suitable for all level students. Evolution of Yoga is about challenging yourself with an ever progressing program in order to transform, optimize and balance to fine-tune your own personal system.

2014.05.10-18 | Sajeeva Yoga Workshop in Malaysia | George Anthony

Join George Anthony for two days of Sajeeva Yoga workshop for energizing and opening your compassionate heart. Whether you are new to yoga or seeking to deepen and grow your practice. Sajeeva Yoga workshop is suitable for all levels of students or yoga teachers. Sajeeva means living. Yoga is a living practice, a living art, a living tradition, and living in the knowledge of self presence.

2014.03.22-24 | ALOHA Mind Body Soul Detox Retreat in Malaysia 身心灵排毒断食营

想使平时无所节制的生活正常化,以修养身心吗?想减肥或增肥?想拥有亮丽肌肤吗?你是经常熬夜,面对压力,生活忙碌,渴望有休息时间者吗?患有慢性疾病者,如头痛、失眠、心脏病、高血压、糖尿病、气喘病、肝病、肾病、胃肠病,患有酸性体质,经常疲倦,肩颈或腰背酸痛者,欢迎参加这项三天两夜能让你改变一生的断食营。This event will be delivered in Chinese Mandarin. Translation will not be provided.

2014.04.27-05.01 | Yoga Anatomy Retreat in Thailand

Join yoga Anatomy Retreat in Thailand with Michelle Lam and George Anthony. This is going to be such a fun, funny, beautiful and informative transformational retreat! Come to tropical heaven on Koh Samui. Exploring Functional Practice and Physiotherapy.